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Communication Skills and Conflict Management in English - POSTI ESAURITI

Organizzato dalla Direzione Risorse Umane, Formazione e Studi Unione Confcommercio Imprese per l'Italia, Milano, Lodi e Brianza

Durata: 8 ore

Calendario 26 settembre 2016


Scuola Superiore del Commercio (V.le Murillo, 17 - Milano)

 gratuito - finanziato da Ebiter Milano - Ente bilaterale per lo sviluppo dell'occupazione delle professionalità e della tutela sociale nel settore Terziario della Provincia di Milano


dipendenti di aziende associate Asseprim di Milano e provincia in regola con i contributi Ebiter


Aaron Robert Gordon
Negotiation is a way of getting what you want in situations where you and the other side have some interests that are shared and others that opposed.
Negotiation takes place whenever two people, or groups of people, who hold different views, meet to reach agreement. Negotiation is not about one side winning or losing, but about removing the differences that exist between two parties so that at the end of the process both sides are happy in an ideal world.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this workshop participants will learn to:

  • Define different forms of conflict
  • Understand effective body language and personality types
  • Refine communication and listening techniques
  • Choose the best management conflict style
  • Learn to "read", through observation and parameters, what people say and feel (non-verbal channels and communicational intention)
  • Resolve conflicts by refining their interpersonal skills (attending, mirroring, focused questions).

Key messages

The key messages are:

  • Conflict can be functional and optimized
  • Different approaches can be identified according to the situation
  • Different communication styles show areas of strength and areas of weakness - adaptation and effective communication are fundamental
  • Most of us can learn to better read dynamics and relationships by focusing also on what is being communicated
  • Only through truthful and effective communication can we learn to see beyond the problem/conflict and search for resolution.


This workshop focuses on the 4 main communication/behavior which define a set of patterns of action and relationship with our environment. These styles help us to define how individuals perceive problems and what strategies are used to find solutions. Performing teams require diversity and diversity needs to be defined and integrated. This workshop will explore and re-define our personality styles in order to acquire the knowledge that differences of action or perception are part of what working together is about.
There are four main behavior and communication styles – “dominant pattern”, “creative pattern”, “emotional pattern” and “logical pattern” - which can be defined either through description or by non-verbal parameters, allowing adaptation and fine-tuning to one's interlocutor.