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Durata: 24 ore

Calendario: 2, 9, 16, 23 marzo, 6 e 13 aprile 2016


Scuola Superiore del Commercio (V.le Murillo, 17 - Milano)

Costo: gratuito - finanziato da Ebiter Milano - Ente bilaterale per lo sviluppo dell'occupazione delle professionalità e della tutela sociale nel settore Terziario della Provincia di Milano

Partecipanti: dipendenti di aziende associate Asseprim di Milano e provincia in regola con i contributi Ebiter 


Aaron Gordon


Fornire le conoscenze di base della lingua inglese per comunicare con i fornitori/clienti e i colleghi stranieri.


Lesson 1
Self-Presentation Job Description-Position and Role
First lesson material
Alphabet Pronunciation, New Vocabulary,
Company Organigram Course Objectives fill in

Lesson 2
Describe Your Company
Listening and reading to increase vocabulary regarding each students company using Internet access and the home page of their company. Listening and reading comprehension re organisations.
3 person singular Present Simple
Pair work on describing own company

Lesson 3
Requests and Offers
Language of requesting and offering, formal and informal in all business situations.
Asking Questions
formal and informal in business situations. 
Listening and reading comprehension using above language.
Introducing yourself and other people.
New Vocabulary

Pair practise on requests and offers and asking questions.

Lesson 4
Describe the history of your company.
Listening and reading comprehension.
Past Simple
New Vocabulary.
Pair work describing history of their company.
Monitoring and error correction.

Lesson 5
Successful Companies
Case study of some of world's most important companies and why they are successful.
Listening and reading comprehension.
Past Questions
Guided conversation using Past Simple.
Ask questions about company history:
New vocabulary.

Lesson 6
The Future of Europe in the World
Listening and Reading comprehension.
New Vocabulary.
Future Forms
used to describe the future.
Pair work describing the future using the verbs.
Staying in contact with the language and use some self-learning tools on internet.


+ Info su:
Inglese , Lingue straniere ,